Dear Customers,

First and foremost we want to our customers to know that we are keeping each one of you in our thoughts and prayers and hope your family is staying safe and healthy right now.

We also want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our customers. We know in these challenging times for each of your businesses that you are all dealing with uncertainties and challenges and we thank you for entrusting us to lead your digital efforts as they are now more important than ever.

Below we want to outline what RDS will be doing to ramp up our efforts to empower every one of our customer’s organizations during these times.

Free Zoom Integration

One of the biggest tools on the forefront of helping businesses communicate Zoom is now coming to the RDS platform for FREE! For many new or even existing clients we are currently integrating their websites with Zoom video conferencing. Whether its Zoom meetings through their site for customer facing visits or simply to empower their workforce to collaborate every client can now leverage Zoom video conferencing through their RDS website. We also have the ability to pair this up with our RDS Appointment booking platform to allow for payment while offering your businesses services through digital communication. If you think your business would benefit from having Zoom contact us to find out more.

One Free Month

We know how difficult it can be getting a new business off the ground especially during these unprecendented times. Our commitment is to helping entrepreneurs create the small business of their dreams so one step we are taking to help new clients is we are waiving their first month’s service fee! Let us show how the RDS platform can bring your business online and bring added value to you for one month and we know you will be hooked. If your unhappy for any reason feel free to cancel after the first month and as always there is no cancellation fees.

Free Online Ordering Platform for Three Months

During these times of uncertainty, we know how difficult it is to get and retain business. With stores closing, and social distancing measures in place, doing physical business is not a viable option anymore. Even popular entrepeneur Gary Vaynerchuck has written an article about why every store needs to be doing “e-commerce” (an online ordering platform). You can   learn more about that here :

That’s why we’re offering a free online store platform for you and your business for three months free. We will build out an online store that can handle delivery via Post-mates so that you can keep your business going.